两江折韵 Special Charm of Riverside

——涪陵滨江商业Fulin riverside commerce




    Endless Yangtze River is the permanent architecture for architect edification. When architecture meets river, the changing life is growing with time. This project is surrounded by riverside, park, residence and high-rise and theater. When it is done, it will be one of the most important business centers. When the breeze rustles through atrium, the bottom with the higher level design will remove from the heat easily. Inner atrium makes business interesting.


    ▽实体模型,Entity model




    Endless Yangtze River is the permanent architecture for architect edification. When architecture meets river, the changing life is growing with time.


    ▽ 基地分析,concept analysis


    ▽ 形体生成,the generation of volume




    The intersection of the Yangtze river and the wujiang river, the formation of the regional culture by the writing brush outline of two rivers and intersection of two pen, drop out a couple of ink spatter dizzy, formed a picture of two rivers and intersection figure, ink painting graffiti, evolved into a building and natural fusion of water painting.


    ▽ 总平面图,site plan




    According to the geography, the whole building facing the river is harmonized with river shape, whose 3 layers of back set and elevation is designed. There is a distinctive flavor when you overlook maples on the riverside bring out the shine of boat lights, listen to the nocturne in the fishing boat.



    ▽ 沿江透视,Perspective from the river


    ▽ 鸟瞰图,birdview




    Exterior façades like irregular caves which are formed by rock weathering get a better command of interior light. At the same time, the building is coming into a state of balance with original ecology.







    项目名称: 两江折韵

    客户: 润瑜置业有限公司

    项目类型: 商业
    项目规模: 43,313 M2
    项目位置 : 重庆涪陵
    规划团队:  BLUETEAM
    参与者: 庞博  陈小龙  马舒


    Name of project: Special Charm of Riverside
    Client: Zhou Yu Real Estate co., LTD
    Type: Commerce
    Size: 43,313 M2
    Planning Leader: BLUETEAM









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    Project Label/项目标签


    Design/设计: BlueTeam

    Location/位置:重庆 Chongqing 

    Type/类型:商业 Commerce

    Label/标签 :核心 Core


© Blue Architects